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What I’m doing now (November 2024)


My kids are 18 and almost 20! For both of them, it was their first vote in a presidential election. To say that I was disappointed for them for the way it turned out is a severe understatement. I am prepared to live on eggshells for the next couple of years.


My oldest is still living with me to save money and has been taking some classes in things like accounting and economics at a Junior College in KC. Her golf course job ended, so she’s picking up hours at an old job–a shop that sells sports fan gear.


My youngest has had progressively worse hip pain over the past year. We finally went to the doctor and had a terrifying scare that it could be cancerous, but it turned out to be osteoid osteoma (benign) and no words could tell you how grateful I am. He will have to get the tumor removed, but it is not cancer.


I’m still looking into graduate school, but with Trump threatening to delete the loan forgiveness program and even the whole Department of Education, I’m not sure where that leaves Federal Student Loans. I should know by sometime in January if graduate school has any chance of making sense for me.


Meanwhile, I’m still working at our local community mental health center. Starting Monday I am moving teams, going from Transitional Housing to Permanent Supportive Housing and will be a case manager. Still stressful, but something new.


I hope this finds you well! Please drop me a line,


© 2018-2024 by Darci Kampschroeder

Last updated November 17, 2024

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